The CFB Esquimalt Power Boat Club is a Personnel Support Program (PSP) sponsored,
The facility has 100 berths for powerboats that are less than 30 feet in length. Serving CF members have priority for berthing and other members are placed by seniority in the club.
Further information can be obtained by calling the clubhouse at 360-0905 or by contacting one of the members of the Executive Committee. “Tight Lines and Happy Cruising to All”
The Boat Club currently maintains the following facilities:
- The Clubhouse, located at Work Point Building WP1031.
- The Mooring Slips with 100 berths for powerboats less than 30 feet in length, the Boat Launching Ramp, and a tidal grid for quick, out-of-the-water maintenance and repairs are located to the seaward side of the Clubhouse.
- The storage compound and servicing bays are located at Building WP1061.
All facilities are secured by fences and protected by lockboxes, allowing exclusive access to members of the Boat Club. In addition, a video surveillance system is installed in the wharf area. Further information can be obtained by calling the clubhouse at 360-0905 or by contacting one of the members of the Executive Committee.
The Club has Parking Decals approved by the Base to allow members to park in the upper lot (directly in front of the Clubhouse, between the old Venture HQ building and the Adm Kingsmill Venture Quarters building. The decals will prevent members from receiving warning tickets or parking tickets from the Commissionaires, providing the vehicles are legally parked in the designated lot. Note that the decals are issued annually – please see a member of the Executive for a replacement.
Numerous documents exist as references which govern the existence and operation of the club. All documents, unless otherwise indicated, are in Adobe .pdf format and open in a new page.
- Club Documents:
- National Policy Documents:
- Legacy (Superseded) Governance Documents: