
General Membership Information

The CFB Esquimalt Power Boat Club is open to all members of the Regular and Reserve Force and to DND Civilian Employees, as well as to other Federal Services.

Individual membership fees are $50.00 (Regular members), $75.00 (Ordinary members) and $100.00 (Associate members) per year for the 2018-2019 fiscal year.

New members are always welcome. Please arrange to meet the membership chair for details.

There are 3 Categories of Membership:

  • Regular:
    The following persons are eligible for regular membership:
    • Current and former members of the Regular or Reserve Force and their families; and
    • Foreign military personnel on duty with the Canadian Forces and their families.
  • Ordinary:
    The following persons are eligible for ordinary membership:
    • DND Public Service employees/full time contractors (for the period of their contract) and their families;
    • Former DND Public Service employees receiving a pension for DND service, and their families;
    • Staff of NPF, CF and their full time contractors for (for the period of their contract) and their families;
    • Former staff of NPF, CF receiving a pension for NPF service and their families;
    • Serving members of the RCMP and their families;
    • Members of the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires or other security force when employed at a CF location, and their families; and
    • Staff of the C/MFRC and their families.
  • Associate:
    • Subject to the approval of the Base Commander or his/her representative, any person not specified in paragraphs above may be invited to become an associate member. Associate membership shall be for one year with no guarantee of renewal for further one year terms and may be renewed upon approval of the Executive Committee.

It is the responsibility of each member to:

  • Advise the club ASAP of any changes in status which could have an effect on their membership category;
  • Advise the club ASAP of any change of address or phone number;
  • Advise the club ASAP of any transfer of ownership or sale of moored or stored vessels;
  • Ensure that a current proof of ownership and insurance is held on the club files for any and all vessels/trailers moored/stored on DND property; and
  • Participate as a volunteer in club activities and respond to requests for assistance in maintaining the club facilities.

2021-2022 Membership Renewals

PSP is now able to accept phone payments for renewal of club fees. PSP will staff the front desk from 0900h-1300h Monday – Friday. There are some strict guidelines that the staff will be enforced to follow; please see below for these guidelines and expectations.

The waiver form (2 pages) below must be completed and emailed as per the following instructions:

  • The highlighted areas (Name, Initials, Signature and Date) of the waiver form must be filled in (for the signature, just type in your name, save the doc then attach the doc to the PSP email address below.) and then the waiver form must be emailed to PRIOR to calling to make payment. Allow a minimum of one day from when you email your waiver before calling to complete your payment. PSP has a master list for everyone who has been emailing their waivers in;
  • Phone PSP at the Colwood Pacific Activity Centre (CPAC) at 250-363-1009, 1000-1600 (10:00 AM – 4:00 PM) Monday-Friday;
  • If you submitted your waiver prior to the shut down please resend it as they won’t have access to these files; and
  • Please ensure to include waiver forms for your spouse/dependants as well.


  • We will be opening our doors for 2 hours a day 1100-1300 (11:00 AM – 1:00 PM) for very strict in-person payments for cash/debit payments (NO CHEQUES WILL BE ACCEPTED)
  • Phone payments will follow the requirements written out above.
  • There will only be 1 person allowed in the facility front desk at a time. Washrooms and all other areas within the building will be closed.
  • All clients will need to follow the markings on the ground.
  • Should you have a fever, cough, sneezing, travelled out of the province you will need to call in to complete your payment.
  • All staff will be required to wear gloves and change their gloves after each client and wear a mask.
  • All surfaces including the pens and chase machine will be wiped down after every use.
  • There will be a staff person at the door and will hand out waivers to those in line to be filled out while you wait.
  • Be prepared for a longer than normal rate. We will work hard to process each of you as quickly as possible however we ask for your patience.
  • We will close the line at 1245h as we have only been approved to be open for clients for 2 hours a day.

2025-2026 Fee Schedule

Membership (Yearly)
Compound Storage (Monthly) 
Boat Trailer Rental $5.00 (4 day min)
Moorage (per Foot, per Month)  
Ordinary $2.00
Associate $2.25
Clubhouse Rental (Members Only, per Night)
BBQ Use$20.00 additional charge